redhat.satellite.sync_plans ============================= This role defines Sync Plans. Role Variables -------------- This role supports the [Common Role Variables]( - `satellite_sync_plans`: List of sync plans to create. Each sync plan is represented as a dictionary which specifies the `name` of the sync plan and the `products` assigned to the sync plan. It also specifies the `interval` which can be 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', or 'custom cron'. In case the 'custom cron' `interval` is used, it should also specify the `cron_expression`. Finally the sync plan should have a `sync_date` which specifies the first time that the sync plan will run. Optionally the sync plan can be enabled and disabled using the `enabled` parameter, and its state can be managed using `state`. ```yaml satellite_sync_plans: - name: Weekly Sync interval: weekly sync_date: 2020-11-07 00:00:00 UTC products: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 - CentOS 8 - Debian 10 - name: Monthly Foreman Client Sync interval: custom cron cron_expression: 0 6 8 * * sync_date: 2020-11-08 00:06:00 UTC products: - Foreman Client - name: Weeky Ubuntu Sync (disabled) interval: weekly sync_date: 2020-11-07 00:00:00 UTC products: - Ubuntu 22.04 enabled: false ``` Example Playbooks ----------------- Create two sync plans: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: redhat.satellite.sync_plans vars: satellite_server_url: satellite_username: "admin" satellite_password: "changeme" satellite_organization: "Default Organization" satellite_sync_plans: - name: Weekly Sync interval: weekly sync_date: 2020-11-07 00:00:00 UTC products: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 - name: Daily Sync interval: daily sync_date: 2020-11-08 00:00:00 UTC products: - Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) ``` Create a single sync plan which has all defined products (those defined in the `satellite_products` dictionary in ansible vars, for example as defined in the role documentation for [redhat.satellite.repositories]( assigned to it: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: redhat.satellite.sync_plans vars: satellite_server_url: satellite_username: "admin" satellite_password: "changeme" satellite_organization: "Default Organization" satellite_sync_plans: - name: Weekly Sync interval: weekly sync_date: 2020-11-07 00:00:00 UTC products: "{{ satellite_products | map(attribute='name') | list }}" ``` The above example assumes that a yaml dictionary `satellite_products` is already defined in Ansible variables. It uses yaml methods to select the name of each product from that dictionary, convert them all to a list, and pass that list to the definition of the sync plan.