redhat.satellite.auth_sources_ldap ==================================== This role manages LDAP authentication sources, allowing users from an external source such as Active Directory or FreeIPA to authenticate to Foreman. Role Variables -------------- This role supports the [Common Role Variables]( Role specific variables should be documented as below: The main data structure for this role is the list of `satellite_auth_sources_ldap`. Each `auth_source_ldap` requires the following fields: - `name`: The name of the authentication source. For all other fields see the `auth_source_ldap` module. Example Playbooks ----------------- Configure FreeIPA as an authentication source, with automatic registration: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: redhat.satellite.auth_sources_ldap vars: satellite_server_url: satellite_username: "admin" satellite_password: "changeme" satellite_organization: "ACME" satellite_auth_sources_ldap: - name: "Example LDAP" host: "" onthefly_register: True account: uid=ansible,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com account_password: secret base_dn: dc=example,dc=com groups_base: cn=groups,cn=accounts, dc=example,dc=com server_type: free_ipa attr_login: uid attr_firstname: givenName attr_lastname: sn attr_mail: mail attr_photo: jpegPhoto state: present ``` To instead integrate with Active Directory, only allowing users who are member of the "Domain Users" group: ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: redhat.satellite.auth_sources_ldap vars: satellite_server_url: satellite_username: "admin" satellite_password: "changeme" satellite_organization: "ACME" satellite_auth_sources_ldap: - name: "Example AD" host: "" onthefly_register: True account: EXAMPLE\ansible account_password: secret base_dn: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com groups_base: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com server_type: active_directory attr_login: sAMAccountName attr_firstname: givenName attr_lastname: sn attr_mail: mail ldap_filter: (memberOf=CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com) state: present ```