redhat.satellite.sync_plan module – Manage Sync Plans
This module is part of the redhat.satellite collection (version 3.7.0).
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install redhat.satellite
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: redhat.satellite.sync_plan
New in redhat.satellite 1.0.0
Manage sync plans
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter |
Comments |
A cron expression as found in crontab files This must be provided together with interval=’custom cron’. |
Description of the sync plan |
Whether the sync plan is active Choices:
How often synchronization should run Choices:
Name of the sync plan |
Organization that the entity is in |
Password of the user accessing the Foreman server. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable |
List of products to include in the sync plan |
URL of the Foreman server. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable |
State of the entity
Start date and time of the first synchronization |
Username accessing the Foreman server. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable |
Whether or not to verify the TLS certificates of the Foreman server. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable Choices:
- name: "Create or update weekly RHEL sync plan"
username: "admin"
password: "changeme"
server_url: ""
name: "Weekly RHEL Sync"
organization: "Default Organization"
interval: "weekly"
enabled: false
sync_date: "2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
- 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server'
state: present
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
Final state of the affected entities grouped by their type. Returned: success |
List of sync plans. Returned: success |