redhat.satellite.repositories =============================== This role defines Products and Custom Repositories and enables Red Hat Repositories. Role Variables -------------- This role supports the [Common Role Variables]( - `satellite_products`: List of products to manage. Each product is represented as a dictionary and can include `repository_sets` which represent Red Hat Repositories and should be used when the product name matches an existing Red Hat Product. Each element of `repository_sets` must have a `name` and should specify the `basearch` and/or `releasever` only when multiple versions are available for that Product. All repository sets for a Red Hat Product can be enabled by omitting `repository_sets` and instead specifying that the Product has `all_repositories: True`. When using this option it is also necessary to specify a list of repository `label`s for the Product (e.g. rhel-7-server-rpms). Be wary that this option can result in enabling a large number of unused repositories that, if added to sync plans, can greatly increase sync times and rapidly fill disk space. Custom (i.e. non Red Hat) Products can also be defined, with associated `repositories` which represent custom repositories, and are required to have a `name`, `url`, and `content_type`; they may require additional fields and can take any parameter supported by [redhat.satellite.repository]( A variety of examples are demonstrated in the data structure below: ```yaml satellite_products: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server repository_sets: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 7Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 6Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Extras (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Optional (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 7Server - name: Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) repository_sets: - name: Red Hat Software Collections RPMs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server basearch: x86_64 releasever: 7Server - name: Red Hat Software Collections RPMs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server basearch: x86_64 releasever: 6Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 repository_sets: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs) releasever: 8 - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs) releasever: 8 - name: Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) all_repositories: True labels: - rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms - name: CentOS Stream 8 repositories: - name: BaseOS x86_64 content_type: yum url: - name: AppStream x86_64 content_type: yum url: - name: Debian 10 repositories: - name: Debian 10 main content_type: deb url: deb_components: main deb_architectures: amd64 deb_releases: buster - name: Foreman Client repositories: - name: Foreman Client Debian 10 url: content_type: deb deb_components: main deb_architectures: amd64 deb_releases: stable - name: Foreman Client CentOS 7 url: content_type: yum ``` Example Playbooks ----------------- This example enables several Red Hat Repositories. There are a few important points to note about the structure of the data in the example: - RHEL 8 repos have a different product name than previous RHEL versions. - The RHEL 8 product already contains the `basearch` so it should not be specified on the RHEL 8 `repository_sets`, and the naming convention for `releasever` changed with RHEL 8 since system purpose removes the need for separate distributions like `Server` and `Workstation`. - The optional and extras repositories do not have point releases so `releasever` should be omitted. ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: redhat.satellite.repositories vars: satellite_server_url: satellite_username: "admin" satellite_password: "changeme" satellite_organization: "Default Organization" satellite_products: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server repository_sets: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 7Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 6Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Extras (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Optional (RPMs) basearch: x86_64 releasever: 7Server - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 repository_sets: - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs) releasever: 8 - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs) releasever: 8 ```