
This role creates and manages Content Views.

Role Variables

This role supports the Common Role Variables.

The main data structure for this role is the list of satellite_content_views. Each Content View requires the following fields:

  • name - the name of the content view

Each content view also requires either a list of repositories or components (for a composite content view):

  • repositories - List of repositories to add to the content view. Each repository requires the following fields:

    • name - The name of the repository

    • product - The product which the repository belongs to

  • components - List of content views to add to the composite content view. Each component requires the following fields:

    • content_view - The name of the content view

    • content_view_version - The version of the content view to add, or

    • latest - If true, the latest version of the content view will be used

Additionally you can pass any other parameters accepted by the content_view module.

This role also allows you to create Content View Filters and add them to the Content View by passing a list of filters:

  • filters - List of filters to create and add to the content view. Each filter needs the following fields:

    • name - Name of the content view filter

    • filter_type - Content view filter type. The available types are rpm, package_group, erratum, or docker

Additionally you can pass any other parameters accepted by the content_view_filter module.

Example Playbooks

- hosts: localhost
    - role: redhat.satellite.content_views
        satellite_username: "admin"
        satellite_password: "changeme"
        satellite_organization: "Default Organization"
          - name: RHEL7
              - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs)
                product: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server'
              - name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Extras (RPMs)
                product: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server'
              - name: Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.8 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)
                product: 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server'
          - name: BearApp
              - name: MyApps
                product: ACME
              - name: "bear app"
                filter_state: "present"
                filter_type: "rpm"
                rule_name: "bear"
          - name: BearAppServer
              - content_view: RHEL7
                latest: true
              - content_view: BearApp
                latest: true